Pine Resin


  • Product sizes: 2 grams, 4 grams, 6 grams & 8 grams
  • 2 Grams Example
  • 4 Grams Example
  • 6 Grams Example
  • 8 Grams example
  • Labeled Product

Magickal Powers: Luck, Joy, Balance, Purification, Banishment, Healing, Fertility, Prosperity, Longevity, Happiness

Always consult a physician before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s). These herbs, resins, roots, flowers, and powders are meant to be used for spell and ritual work.

Pine Resin


Pine is an extremely long-living tree which is held in great esteem by many cultures. Pine, which refers to any conifer in the Pinus genus, belongs to the Pinaceae family. There are around 120 species of evergreen conifers distributed around the world however most of them are native to the Northern Temperate regions.

Pine trees are evergreens, meaning that they don’t lose their needles during the winter. The are rather large, with most trees reaching between 15-45m at maturity. They generally have a very long life span, with most reaching at least 100 years of age and many getting significantly older. The longest living pine is a “Pinus Longaeva” which is based in the White Mountains in California. It is counted as one of the worlds oldest living organisms and is thought to be around 4,600 years old. There is one tree which was older, coming in at 4,900 years or more when it was cut down.

Its magickal properties include longevity, fertility, protection and joy among others. It can help to fight colds and coughs as well as potentially improving memory and preventing scurvy due to its high vitamin C content.

Pines are often mentioned and referenced in literature and art for various cultures all over the world. China, in particular, has an affinity to pine and it’s a common motif in painting and poetry. Japanese painters also often use pine trees as a motif for longevity and health.

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