Peony | Chi Shao


  • Product sizes: 2 grams, 4 grams, 6 grams & 8 grams
  • 2 Grams Example
  • 4 Grams Example
  • 6 Grams Example
  • 8 Grams example
  • Labeled Product

DO NOT INGEST. Poisonous. Causes clotting problems and uterine contractions. DO NOT INGEST.  

a.k.a.: Paeony, Piney

Magickal Properties: Protection, Exorcism

Always consult a physician before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s). These herbs, resins, roots, flowers, and powders are meant to be used for spell and ritual work.

Available in Petals or Whole Flower

Peony | Chi Shao


The Peony is a long-lived garden flower. It is unusual in that although its blooms seem fragile and evanescent, the root actually needs and will withstand freezing cold winter temperatures, and the plant has the longevity of a human being, coming back year after year when well established, and living to the age of 70 or more.
The Peony has long been revered for its protective powers. Worn, it guards the body, spirit, and soul; place in the home it wards off evil spirits and planted in the garden it protects it against evil and storms. The seeds or roots are hung around a child’s neck to guard it from mischievous fairies and imps. A variation of this entails carving peony roots into small beads (called “piney beads”) and then stringing them. These are also worn for protection. Peony roots worn with coral and flint keep away the incubus.



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