Juniper Berry & Leaves | Du Song Zi


  • Product sizes: 2 grams, 4 grams, 6 grams & 8 grams
  • 2 Grams Example
  • 4 Grams Example
  • 6 Grams Example
  • 8 Grams example
  • Labeled Product

a.k.a: Common juniper, Drooping Juniper, Mexican Juniper, Horse Savin, Ginepro, Enebro, Bellota de Sabina/Sabino, Guata

Magickal Properties: Good Health, Love, Protection, Wisdom, Purification, Clarity, Prosperity, Banishment, Spirit Communication, Anti-Theft, Increased Visions, Creativity, Raising Vibrations, Manifesting, Goddess Magick

Always consult a physician before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s). These herbs, resins, roots, flowers, and powders are meant to be used for spell and ritual work.

Juniper Leaves were purchased from the Running Bear Medicine Camp, First Nations, Minitonas, Manitoba, Canada.

From the Running Bear Medicine Camp: “All our medicines are harvested with positive energy, prayer and leave a offering. We take what we use, leave the rest in the ground to grow for the next generation. We give what we take. You are gifting for the cost of harvesting and helping our community.. you are not purchasing the medicines themselves as they belong to Mother Earth and not ourselves. We are the caretakers of it all. You are paying for our fuel, our food while harvesting, repairing our vehicles, helping with marriage ceremonies, clothing our children, etc.

Juniper Berry & Leaves | Du Song Zi


Juniper Berries are a naturally protective herb that can be used in spell work to ward off negativity. They are excellent agents for cleansing negative forces from people or places and have been said to be the guardian of the veil between the worlds. Create incense from dried Juniper Berries, and let its smoke fill your space to enhance long-spiritual and emotional healing. Juniper berries have been known to be associated with the Goddess Morrigan.

Juniper is a cleansing plant. It can be used to cleanse magical tools or ritual locations. It has a strong defensive quality and is capable of dispelling harmful energy and beings. It’s frequently used as incense in healing rituals and to cleanse the sick room. It aids concentration and focus during meditation. It’s also been linked to divination and prophesy. Juniper can be used in rites of passage and during shamanic travels to the Otherworld as a protector. It’s a fantastic herb for connecting with nature’s deities and spirits.

It dispels any bad energy in its immediate vicinity and promotes new development and energy. It is burned in exorcism rites to defend against evil spirits and people. It guards against theft when hung around the house, and when carried on the person, it protects against accidents and attacks.

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