Ferns | Jué Lèi


  • Boston Fern Fronds (Dried)
  • Leather Leaf Fern (dried)

Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata)

a.k.a.: Boston Sword Fern, Wild Boston Fern, Boston Blue Bell Fern, Tuber Ladder Fern, Fishbone Fern

Leather Leaf Fern (Rumohra Adiantiformis)

a.k.a.: Leather Shield Fern, Iron Fern, 7 Weeks Fern, Climbing Shield Fern, Leather Fern

Mainhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum)

a.k.a.: ‘Iwa’iwa [Hawai’i]; Maidenhair fern, Lady fern [USA]; Culantrillo [Amazonia]; Culantrillo de Piedra [Panama]; Avenca [Brazil]

Magikal Properties:  Anti-Jinx, Anti-Theft, Cleansing, Dispels Negativity, Draw Rain, Eternal Youth, Good Fortune, Healing (Physical & Emotional), Invisibility (Seeds/Spores), Luck, Mental Clarity, Peace, Protection, Prosperity, Rain-Making, Removes Curses, Riches, Skin Afflictions, Snake Repelling, Tranquility, Ward Against Harm


Always consult a physician before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s). These herbs, resins, roots, flowers, and powders are meant to be used for spell and ritual work.

Available in Boston Fern & Leather Leaf Fern.

Ferns | Jué Lèi


The Fern is often included n vases of flowers for its protective properties, and is also planted on doorstep as well. Inside the Home the fern is protective.

Dried fern is thrown upon hot coals to exercise evil spirits. hen burned out of doors, fern causes rain to fall. The Smoke from burning fern also drives away snakes or noisome creatures.

Carried or worn, fern has the power to guide is bearer to discover treasures, and the person who breaks the first frond of spring will have good luck.

If you ever find yourself in a spot covered with ferns, exactly at Midnight, where no sounds of any kind can be heard, Puck (Robin Goodfellow) will appear and give you a purse of gold. When done intentionally, this is know as “watching the fern”.

If you bite the frond of the first fern of the spring you will be guarded from toothache, at least until next spring. Please do not bite the fern, some ferns are poisonous.

Fern Sap, if you cqn obtain any, is said to confer eternal youth if drunk. Again, please do not bite the fern, some ferns are poisonous. The seeds/Spores are carried for invisibility.


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