Bananas (Freeze Dried) | Xiāng Jiāo

  • Cavendish Banana
  • Left to Right: Plantains, Red Bananas, Apple Bananas, Cavendish Banana

a.k.a.: Mai’a (Hawaiian name), Bacove, Sanging

Magikal Properties:  Luck, Prosperity, Wealth, Spirituality, Protection form accidents, Travel, Fertility, Male Potency, God Symbol

Always consult a physician before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s). These herbs, resins, roots, flowers, and powders are meant to be used for spell and ritual work.


Bananas are berries. No really.

Every pagan knows plants and herbs have magical properties, but a less known fact is that fruit contains just as much magic.  

I know that no one thinks about the metaphysical benefits of bananas but each fruit has their own magical strengths, some are good for love spells, while others are good for protection or wealth. When ypu say banana to someone you typically think of a yellow skinned banana. Americans and Europeans are most familiar with the Cavendish banana. Most Chiquita and Dole bananas are of the Cavendish variety. You might have seen Apple Bananas at the store and wondered who shrunk bananas. You may have seen a plantain and thought that they were big unripe bananas. Technically they are bananas. Any one who has a large Caribbean Latin population in their area will know that plaintains are treated more like a potato and a fruit. Tostones and other plantain dishes have prevailed over centuries in many kitchens in the Caribbean and beyond. Puerto Ricans have mofongo; Dominicans have mangú. 

They’re loaded with vitamins and minerals (potassium & magnesium). These can give a boost of energy, give relief of muscle cramps but also bananas are heart healthy. They can help lower blood pressure. They are a great source of fiber which cane help improve gut health. They have tryptophan (the same compound in turkey that makes you sleepy) which can help you relax. And it helps create serotonin which is great to combat depression.

The easy ways to use Bananas in magick besides eating them. You can use the leaves of bananas to symbolize money in wealth and money spells. If you don’t have access to the leaves or flowers, you can use the fruit in spells for prosperity.

It’s no surprise that these phallic shaped fruits work wonders on increasing lust. Use powdered banana in spells for lust and sexuality. Banana makes a great addition to any spells for curing impotency. Again, because of the banana’s shape, it is bursting with masculine energy, making it a great alter symbol for gods.

Bananas (Freeze Dried) | Xiāng Jiāo

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Carry a banana charm or incorporate bananas into your diet before embarking on a new spiritual quest, bananas grow upward, they stimulate the connection to the divine.

In Hawaii, it was once punishable by death for a woman to eat a banana. Thank goodness that has been changed. It is said that if a woman gets married under a banana tree, she will be blessed with good luck. Another way to increase your good luck is to plant a banana plant around your house.

In Thailand, it is believed that spirits called Nang Tani inhabit banana trees. They can be either good or evil. If you want some extra luck carry a banana or a banana shaped charm to help you protect yourself from harm & accidents.

In Malaysian folklore, the banana tree is inhabited by a malevolent female spirit called the Pointianak. The Pointianak is a vampire-type spirit, and very bloodthirsty.


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