Carnations, Dianthus Leaf & Sweet William | Qu Mai, Qu Ma, & Shízhú Méi


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a.k.a.: Grenadine, Clove Pink, Gillies, Gilliflower, Jove’s Flower, Nelka, Scaffold Flower, Sops-In-Wine
Properties: Element: Fire Fire | Planets: Sun Sun | Zodiac: CapricornCapricorn | Chakras:  Root ChakraRoot | Gender: Male Male |
✨ Magickal Properties: Strength, Love, Protection, Healing, Grief, Loss, Fascination

Always consult a physician before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s). These herbs, resins, roots, flowers, and powders are meant to be used for spell and ritual work.

Dianthus Leaf:

a.k.a: Carnation Leaf, Pinks Leaf, Scaffold Flowers Leaves, Sops-In-Wine Leaves, Gilliflower Leaves, Clove Pink Leaves, Jove’s Flower Leaves, Kang Nai Xin, Herba Dianthi, China Pink, Large Pink
Properties: Element: Fire Fire | Planets: Sun Sun, Jupiter Jupiter | Zodiac: Cancer Cancer | Chakras: Root Chakra Root  | Energy:Male Masculine |
✨ Magickal Properties: Protection, Strength, Healing,

 Caution/Warning: Overdosing can cause prolonged contractions of the uterus so not recommended for pregnant of lactating females.

Always consult a physician before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s). These herbs, resins, roots, flowers, and powders are meant to be used for spell and ritual work.

Sweet William:

a.k.a: Dianthus barbatus, Bearded Pink, Bunch Pink, Sour Billy, Stinking Willie.
Properties: Element: Fire Fire | Planets: Sun Sun, | Zodiac: Capricorn Capricorn | Chakras: Root Chakra Root  | Energy: Female Feminine |
✨ Magickal Properties: Strength, Love, Protection, Healing, Grief, Loss, Fascination

 Caution/Warning: Overdosing can cause prolonged contractions of the uterus so not recommended for pregnant of lactating females.

Always consult a physician before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s). These herbs, resins, roots, flowers, and powders are meant to be used for spell and ritual work.

Carnations, Dianthus Leaf & Sweet William | Qu Mai, Qu Ma, & Shízhú Méi



Carnation (as an herb) may be used in as an ingredient or substitute for magick spells and formulas related to solar matters (healing, illumination, magickal power, physical energy, protection, success, and putting an end to legal matters). Carnation petals work especially well in healing spells, charms and pouches or even just a vase of them placed next to the bed of a person that is unwell will work their magical healing.

Hang dried carnation buds over the threshold of your house to bring protection.

You can also work with color magic using carnations; red for love, white for peace, yellow for happiness etc. go with what the color of the flower says to you.

Dianthus Leaf:

The Carnation Leaf is also a plant that has been used for centuries. Used to remove hexes and negative energy, the carnation is especially good for clearing out love problems. Add white and red carnations or essential oil to bathwater to stabilize your love life. Carnation flowers attract abundance as well, either as a bouquet or in a formula.

Carnations have a history of being brewed into tea to help reduce stress and restore energy. Carnation tea has also been used to reduce fever and treat stomach aches. In addition to tea, carnation oil is used in beauty products to moisturize skin, minimize wrinkles, and treat skin conditions.

Sweet William:

In the language of flowers, it stands for gallantry as well as treachery. This contradiction comes from the historical roots of the common name. Sweet William was named for William, Duke (“Butcher”) of Cumberland, who led the English army that defeated the Jacobite uprising in 1746. For this reason, and not because of its smell, in Scotland this flower is known as Stinking Willy. We were surprised to find out that a plant’s common name could have come about so recently and be so obviously ideological.

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